mission statement

mission statement


Unsere Tätigkeiten entsprechen unserer Einsicht und Vision: Das Bemühen um eine geschlechtergerechte Demokratie bedarf einer feministisch-historisch-politischen Aufklärung und Bildung.


FRAUENHETZ – Feminist Education, Culture and Politics is a self-organized, non-profit and non-partisan educational institution, which was founded in 1991 by Bund demokratischer Frauen Österreich (Federation of Democratic Women in Austria, BDFÖ) and autonomous feminists from women for women and opened in 1993. Since then it has created a framework for feminist-critical (counter)publics. The collective invites political intervention and debate in the form of lectures, panel discussions, symposia, workshops, readings and artistic programs. The educational space, which is accessible free of charge, has established itself as an interface between academic knowledge and feminist (basic) education beyond Vienna and also documents knowledge in various publications. The space, which for a long time was largely run on a voluntary basis, is also an office community, open to other groups and a space for cooperation. The Frauenhetz collective is also involved in civil society events and initiatives.
Our activities correspond to our understanding that our vision of a gender-equitable democracy requires feminist, historical and political knowledge and education.